When you’re running a business, you’re always mindful of the bottom line. You need to keep an eye on expenses and avoid waste wherever you can. Your electric bill is one place where making just a few small changes can have a big payoff. As a full-service commercial electrician, we’ve gotten lots of questions over the years from our clients on how they can save on their energy costs. Here are some tips for keeping more money in your pocket while maintaining your operational efficiency.

  1. Turn electrical devices off when they aren’t in use. Lights, computers, copiers, machinery, and anything else that’s plugged in can pull electricity even when it’s not being actively used. Turn off as many devices as you can once your workday is done.
  2. Explore energy-saving settings on your equipment. Many machines have sleep settings or other low-energy modes for when they aren’t being used. Make sure these are set to kick in so you’ll automatically start saving during periods of inactivity.
  3. Choose new equipment wisely. If you’ve got to purchase new equipment or machinery, ask to see the most energy-efficient models available. ENERGY STAR certified models may be available for office equipment, lighting, and other common products.
  4. Consider the timing of your energy usage. Peak hours for electricity use tend to be between 4pm and 7pm. Using machinery or equipment with a large electrical pull during off-hours will help you save and will also help reduce the overall energy demand in your area.
  5. Ask a commercial electrician for an energy audit. Commercial electrical contractors specialize in finding the blind spots where you may be losing energy efficiency—and money. An energy audit can help ensure that your building and energy usage policies are as airtight as possible.

For more advice on how your company can save money on your electric bill this winter, call Polk Electric. We’re a commercial electrical contractor serving Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and surrounding areas of South Carolina and North Carolina. Our electric service has been a trusted partner of area businesses since 1990. Request a quote today for any of our services.